Online diaries

by J.Winkler - Art my way

The "online diaries" contain time records of a specific event within a short period of time up to several months. Once completed, the respective diary is closed. 

Current    Completed   ☆ Planned

Advance information from July 2024 / Online edition officially launches in August 2024 (J. Winkler / Language: English)

"Odyssey" articles

Without net

Due to this somewhat unforeseen course of the odyssey, i.e. the fact that mobile Internet / WLAN is only sometimes available, everything is a little delayed. Unfortunately, I can't post regularly as planned, but only when I have the benefit of the two mentioned.

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Why not make it more complicated

My "hotel on wheels" is not "properly" registered thanks to the Portuguese authorities.
This is because the car, like me, has or had German documents.
The car had a German license plate and a German registration. Then the time came that I had to re-register it, because you have to do it after a certain period of time.

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The preparations are quickly explained. My furniture was planned for sale right from the start. The problem is and was ... if you buy solid furniture in Germany and sell it in Portugal, you're a bit out of luck. A lot of things are cheaper in Portugal and people bargain until they drop. The falling over refers to the fact that at some point you say, okay, take it and that's it. So you give up and give the furniture away, so to speak. I think that even if you give it away, people still trade it.

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An "online diary" is always linked to a subsequent book.